What is the LCSC PRACTICE?
The LCSC USPSA Practice is aimed at guiding shooters through a practice session to help improve their shooting craft.
Why join the LCSC PRACTICE?
The LCSC USPSA Practice session is meant to be an environment for the improvement of shooting skills. Shooters are encouraged to ask for and give advice, there are no egos allowed.

Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced Competitors WELCOME!
Shooters will have access to 2 shooting bays.
One Bay will have a USPSA style stage will be set up. Shooters will be able to practice stage planning and shooting strategy on this bay. Shooters will be permitted to dry fire the practice stage in addition to live fire practice.
On the second bay, there will be 2-3 drills set up for shooters to practice. These drills are common among USPSA. Shooters will have access to the standards for each drill allowing the shooter to measure their current skill level and improvement over time.

Shooters will also have access to suggested best practices for establishing a practice regime.
The sessions are held once a month at Linden Gun Range on the 3rd Saturday of the month. The practice setup starts at 8 AM and appreciates help from all participants. Practice will start once setup is complete and ends at 1 pm.
$10 for PSR/LGR Members
$15 for non-members.
Go to PractiScore.com
Search: "LCSC" to register.
Practice DATES:
Along with the LCSC monthly USPSA and steel challenge competitions,
we are now hosting the LCSC USPSA Practices
managed and directed by Rickey Ingrassia
and the LCSC Crew.
Time: 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Location: The Linden Gun Range,
Bays 4 & 5 (on the 200-yard range).
TO REGISTER: Go to PractiScore.com
Search: "LCSC Practice".
Check the Club Calendar
for other LCSC competitions and events.