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Steel Challenge (SCSA) is an exciting shooting discipline that combines speed and accuracy, with little to no movement, in a fun format that can be enjoyed by almost anyone at any level of experience. It is important that everyone understand and follow the rules – for safety's sake as well as to facilitate a smooth match that's fun for everyone, go to for an overview of the game and rules that govern it.


Steel Challenge courses will be held every first Saturday of the month with few exceptions. Registration through Search "LCSC" under "matches" to find all of Linden Competitive Shooting Club competitions. Most competitions will be posted 3 weeks or more prior to a competition date. If you do find the match you are looking for, check back regularly or follow Linden Competitive Shooting Club on Facebook for event postings.


2nd Saturday of the month


Thursday Build & Shoot! 

LCSC builds their Steel Challenge stages on the Thursday before the match and practices after completion.



If you would like to help set up the stages or are new to Steel Challenge and would like to practice before an upcoming competition, please join us by verifying the start time on the RANGE calendar, arriving at the stated start time, and checking into the LGR Pro Shop for further directions to the Steel Challenge Match setup. 

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the match director at for specific details.



Stage build usually begins at noon; start times may change in inclement weather. Depending on the sunset, we may finish shooting under the lights.

Linden Competitive Shooting Club proudly hosts our monthly Steel Challenge competition with 7 official classifier stages.

Smoke and Hope,
Outer Limits or Speed Option

Shoot, tear down & pick up brass.

Gates Open at 7:30 AM
Check-in starts at 7:30 AM
Safety & Match brief at 7:45 AM
First shot at 8:00 AM
Bring at least 400 rounds of ammunition per division you are registering.
Our monthly Steel Challenge Match.
First Gun: $20/members, $30/non-members
Second Gun: $15 for all shooters (separate registration required)
Juniors: $15. Junior second gun is $15.
(Member discount does NOT apply to second gun or Jr discounts.)

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